HTML 4 vs. HTML 5

Difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5 Html is the short version of the web designing language known…

Difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5

Html is the short version of the web designing language known as Hypertext Mark-up Language used for creation of static web pages. HTML 5 is the latest version of the programming language and is markedly different from HTML 4.


HTML 4 supports scripting, making better tables, style sheets on the page, embed objects, and also has an improved support for mixed and right to left directional text. The forms are also enhanced to allow disabled people to work more easily with the program.

HTML 4 incorporates RFC2070 which allows the program to be availed in different languages and for the documents to be imported when working.  Among the new features that have been added to HTML especially to assist the people with disabilities include:

  • The distinction between presentation and the document structures has been enhanced to enable the style sheets be more visible rather than using the HTML attributes and presentation elements.
  • One can make an object’s description using markup.
  • The access keys, active labeled and better forms have been added.
  • MAP element and other image map mechanism have been added for the client’s use.
  • It supports Lang and title attributes in all elements.
  • There are longer descriptions of images, tables and frames.
  • has been designed to target a wider media including using it on style sheets.
  • There are improved tables, captions, column groups and mechanisms.


HTML4 was the last release by W3C after which they focused their energy on developing XHTML and XML. The task of developing HTML 5 was therefore given to a new group called Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).

This release was focused more on the web developers than the users. It also addresses the shortcomings of the previous version,

Some improvements such as the canvas element is used to draw graphics and also to script. This version is however not compatible with all the browsers.  The browsers that support this element include Internet Explorer 8, Firefox, Safari and Opera  but the other browser will son be adopted to support it because this is the newest version.

HTML 5 has the advantage of being backward compatible and also supports a variety of tags and attributes that make it an interesting tool for any web developer.

Dissimilarities between HTML 4 and 5

  • It has a better codified and remodeled error handling capability. This feature will save the web developers time and money by making the process of making things to appear in a consistent manner on the web page a function that is unavailable in HTML 4.
  • make better use of application platforms such as JavaScript, CSS and HTML. Among the applications that have been added are those that support<canvas>. <Audio> and <video>
  • Other newer elements include <header>, <section>, <article> that were not part of HTML 4.
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