Varanasi vs. Haridwar

Difference between Indian Cities Varanasi and Haridwar Varanasi and Haridwar are Indian’s leading tourism destination among all the…

Difference between Indian Cities Varanasi and Haridwar

Varanasi and Haridwar are Indian’s leading tourism destination among all the cities in India. Both cities are among India’s most auspicious destinations due to their location; on the banks of holy river Ganges with Haridwar being only 200 kilometers north east of New Delhi while Varanasi is located 600 kilometers south east of the same city.

Both are religious cities. Haridwar according to myths is the city where the Hindu deity, Vishnu and Varanasi are said to have visited. It is also believed to have been created by the Hindu god Shiva. The beautiful banks of river Ganges make Haridwar one of the most visited cities where visitors can take a holy dip. Since the river origin is not far off the place the waters of the river are very clean. Varanasi is also a sacred city and being one of the oldest cities of the world there is a lot to see there.

Among all the holy cities in India, Haridwar is the most elated because it hosts an auspicious fare known as ‘Kumbh’. Kumbh is a religious fare held every twelve years. It is believed that a dip to the waters of Ganges during this fare can absolves one of all their sins. Varanasi does not hold the Kumbh but the people believe that if one dies in the city, the person is freed from the cycle of life and death.

Among the reasons for visiting these two cities is to get blessings. Specifically, is said to be the gateway to heaven by the Hindus. Most aged Hindus wish to die the city of Lord Shiva so that they can be liberated of the cycle of rebirth.

  • These are both holy cities on the banks of River Ganges.
  • They are both sacred to the Hindus.
  • Apart from Haridwar being one of the ancient cities in the world, it is also famous for the Kumbh fare. Varanasi one the other hand is sacred as the Hindus believe that one can be relieved of the rebirth cycle if they died there.
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