Flowchart vs. Data Flow Diagram DFD

Difference Between Flowchart and Data Flow Diagram DFD The terms flowchart and data flow diagram (DFD) are related…

Difference Between Flowchart and Data Flow Diagram DFD

The terms flowchart and data flow diagram (DFD) are related to software engineering describing the path of process or data step by step. Although flow chart is used in almost all the fields of education and engineering data flow diagram is primarily used is the software industry. Both the diagrams are made to make the process easy to understand. A flow chart offers the steps needed to reach the desired results and a data flow diagram describes the source from which data is coming, the change that occurs in the system and the source at which it ends. Both these diagrams provide a very easy way to comprehend the way a procedure is taking place or data is being processed from the commencement till the end.


A flowchart is made to break down a procedure into easy steps by writing down the steps in boxes that are associated with arrows. A flow chart starts from the first step and ends at the last step with all the actions to be performed in middle. Flow chart also trouble shoots the problems by providing solution if an error occurs during any step. The prime benefit of a flow chart is that it gives an in general view of the procedure at a single glance, to appreciate it better. There are dissimilar types of flowcharts like:-

• System flow chart

• Data flow chart

• Document flow chart

• Program flow chart

Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram is a depiction of data flow through a system during which it is processed as well. The flow of data from an external source or internal source to its purpose is shown by a diagram. Where the data will end up after being processed is also shown in a data flow diagram. The processes through which data will go through are shown in these diagrams. These processes can be a series or act concurrently while data is going through the system.



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