Distilled Water vs. Boiled Water

Difference Between Distilled Water and Boiled Water The Distilled Water and Water boiled are two ways to make…

Difference Between Distilled Water and Boiled Water

The Distilled Water and Water boiled are two ways to make the water safe for drinking. Water is a substance in our planet that is found in abundance and almost two thirds of land is covered with water. It has no taste and is colorless and odorless, which is also present in our bodies. In the natural state, water is found in the liquid state although it is also found in solid (ice) as well as gas (vapor and water vapor) state. 55-78% of our bodies are composed of water, which indicates the importance of water in our daily lives. Not just for consumption, it is used for variety of purposes. Other substances dissolve in water easily and make it unclean for consumption by humans. Humans need to drink water in sufficient quantities each day to stay healthy because water executes and helps in many body functions. The water supplied to us in our homes is filtered before supplying, yet it has impurities that must be removed by distillation or boiling. Both procedures produce pure water.  This article helps us in understanding the difference between distilled and boiled water to see their features and decide which one we should use.

Water boiled

Boiling water is a great way to make it safer to drink. In cases of emergency when there is no other way to make pure water, boiling the water is the simplest and fastest way to make pure water. Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. Maximum bacteria that are present in water are killed when water is heated to bring to a boil. Other parasites and viruses that may be present in water and can cause water borne diseases like diarrhea are also killed by boiling. The only thing to remember is to continue to boil water for one minute after it has reached the boiling point. Water should be cooled before drinking it.

Distilled water

Distillation is a complicated procedure even though it starts with bubbling. Here, the water becomes steam is condensed and cooled and collected in a container. The distilled water is ideal for drinking as it is free of impurities. Distillation not only kills bacteria, viruses and germs while boiling, it also removes other impurities that are not visible to the naked eye like heavy metals, salts and other chemicals which are hazardous to health. Distilled water is sometimes again distilled to ensure that it is safe and completely pure. Since the steam is transferred to another container where it becomes water again on cooling, all the sediments and impurities are left in the first container in which the water is boiled.

It is clear from the above comparison that the distillation is of course a better way to guarantee the purest form of water. Yet it is a complex process that is not easy to do at homes and is mainly done in laboratories. Boiling the water is easy and in case of emergency, the best method to ensure the safety of those who have to drink it. The Distilled water, although clean, misses some vital elements that is needed by the human body in small amounts such as calcium, sodium and potassium. Fluorine, important for our teeth, is removed by distillation. In both the methods the taste of water becomes bland as minerals that give water taste are removed.


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