Kindness vs. Compassion

Difference Between Kindness and Compassion Kindness is the quality of being friendly and generous to people. Kindness is…

Difference Between Kindness and Compassion

Kindness is the quality of being friendly and generous to people. Kindness is all about being kind and it is the gentle nature. A person with the quality of kindness shows the plenty of concern, affection and consideration for another person who is afflicted.

It is important to know that kindness is shown by human beings to creatures other than humans such as animals and birds. The quality of kindness is always accompanied by the quality of being affectionate. A nice person with a kind heart is a person who is in the nature of a kind disposition.


Compassion is a quality that urges other human beings to help the needy. The quality of being charitable accompanies the quality of compassion. A person who is compassionate towards the poor and weak also shows the charitable attitude toward them. It is important to note that the quality of being charitable is because of natural pity that occurs in him to help the needy.

The difference between kindness and compassion

One of the main differences between the kindness and compassion is that kindness is not often accompanied by the quality of being charitable when compassion is always accompanied by the attribute ‘leniency’.

The adjective of the word ‘compassion’ is the word ‘compassionate’. ‘Compassionate’ means ‘friendly’ and ‘merciful’.

Another important difference between kindness and compassion is that kindness is always accompanied by the attribute ‘affection’, while compassion is not often accompanied by the attribute ‘affection’.


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