Watch Vs. Clock

Difference Between Watch And Clock A watch differs from a clock in its having a vibrating wheel instead…

Difference Between Watch And Clock

A watch differs from a clock in its having a vibrating wheel instead of a vibrating pendulum; and, as in a clock, gravity is always pulling the pendulum down to the bottom of its arc, which is its natural place to rest, but does no fix it there, because thc momentum acquired during its fall from one side carries it up to an equal height on the other, so in a watch a spring, generally spiral, surrounding the axis of the balance-wheel, is always pulling this towards a middle position from either side carries it just as far past on the other side, and the spring has to begin its work again.

The balance wheel at each vibration allows one tooth to the adjoining wheel to pass, as the pendulum, docs in a clock; and the record of the’ beats is preserved by the wheel which follows. A main-spring is used to keep up the motion; and as a spring acts equally well whatever be its position, a watch keeps time although carried in the pocket! or in a  moving ship.


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