Penicillin vs. Cyclosporine

Difference Between Penicillin and Cyclosporine Cyclosporine and penicillin are two vital medications used to treat various conditions of…

Difference Between Penicillin and Cyclosporine

Cyclosporine and penicillin are two vital medications used to treat various conditions of the body. Yet there are important differences between the two. Discover what they are:

The antibiotic penicillin is really working against a variety of infections such as staphylococcus. It was widely used against a number of infections such as syphilis that have been considered seriously until just recently.

Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant drug. This means that it works to reduce the effect of the immune system at the moment. Commonly used for organ transplants to prevent rejection of transplanted organ by the body. The major difference amongst the two drugs is theiruse.

 · Streptococcal infections which are present without bacteremia can be effectively treated with Penicillin. Its use varies from mild to moderate infections related to upper respiratory system. Also used for treating erysipelasand scarlet fever. However, its effectiveness is most against the streptococcus group A, C, G, H and L. Other groups like D are resistant to that.

Cyclosporine can be used as prophylaxis for liver transplants or kidney. It is also used for the same purpose during allogenicheart transplants. Corticosteroids and azathioprine are also used together with it. Medication is also used for patients with arthritis who have failed to respond to other medications. It is also used for the administration of symptoms in patients with psoriasis.

A ° They also vary with regard to the dosage administered. It is usual for each mg/-3 9 kg on a per day basis for cyclosporine.

Penicillin is usually given according to the severity of the infection. It is usually prescribed as a dose of 125 to 250 mgs every 8 hours for the duration of 10 days. Pneumococcal infections in the dosage can be increased from 250 to 500 mgs. Doctor’s using penicillin as prophylaxis, can also prescribe it in doses of 125 to 250 mgs a day per base.

A ° the medications also vary the side effects they create. Penicillin administered orally has very rare reactions. However, some patients may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or other stomach reactions. Skin rashes also occur in some. Due to hyper sensitivity, rare patients can rarelygetan anaphylactic shock.

Treatment of Cyclosporine can cause hirsuitism, renal dysfunction or tremors. Hypertension is a common issue in almost 50% of the patients. Some have also reported thrombosis of the glomerular capillary.


 · Penicillin is an antibiotic that is used to treat infections as well as a prophylaxis. Cyclosporine an immunosuppressantprevents rejection of organ transplant by the body.

 • Penicillin curespneumococcaland streptococcus infections. Cyclosporine is used for organ transplants.

A ° the two medications also vary in doses that are administered.

A ° the side effects are more serious for cyclosporine compared to ordinary penicillin.



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