Myth Vs. Truth

Difference Between Myth And Truth Myths attempt to explain the origin and nature of the world and the…

Difference Between Myth And Truth
Myths attempt to explain the origin and nature of the world and the nature of life and death. But truth also attempts to explain such things. What, then, is the relationship between these two approaches to explaining the world? What do myth and truth have in common? How do they differ?
We sometimes hear someone say, “That’s not true—it’s just a myth!” The speaker seems to be suggesting that myths are false. Earlier we noted that scholars apply the term “myth” to stories that are believed to be true. But in its popular usage, the term “myth” sometimes implies two different attitudes regarding truth and falsity. One is the attitude of those who originally tell a particular myth. The other is the attitude of those who regard themselves as outside the community that created and believes it. In other words, for the speaker above, “myth” means “stories or ideas that some people think are true but that I think are false.”
Because of this difference in the scholarly and popular uses of the term, conflicts sometimes arise. For example, scholars frequently refer to Bible stories as myths because they have the four defining characteristics. They are set in the distant past. They are about supernatural beings. They are about origins. And they are believed by those who tell them to be true. Members of many religious faiths have expressed misgivings about this term being applied to their particular religious stories. However, it is important to realize that the use of the term in its scholarly sense does not imply falsity.

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