Stack vs. Queue

Difference Between Stack and Queue The stack is an ordered list in which insertion and deletion of list…

Difference Between Stack and Queue

The stack is an ordered list in which insertion and deletion of list items can be made only for a purpose referred to above. Due to this reason, the stack is known as LIFO data structure (last in first out). The queue is also ordered list in which insertion of items is done from rear end and deletion of items is made at the other end called the front. The mechanism of the deletion and insertion in this manner is FIFO data structure (FIFO).

What is the stack?

As mentioned earlier, the stacks are the data structures in which elements are added and removed from only one end called the top. The stacks allow only two basic operations called the pop and the push. The operation push adds a new element at the top of the stack. The pop removes an element from the top of the stack. If the stack is already full, when a push operation is executed, it is considered as a stack overflow. If stack already empty and pop is performed then it is known as stack underflow. Due to the small number of operations that could run on a stack, it is considered a small data structure. The elements in stack that were added in the last go out first. So the stack is considered a LIFO data structure.

What is the Queue?

In a queue, items are added to the rear of the tail and removed from the front of the tail. Since the elements that are added first will be removed from the tail first, it maintains the order of FIFO. The general operations are supported by a queue are de-queue and en-queue operations. En-queue operation adds items to the rear end, whereas de-queue operation removes items from the front end. Generally, queues have no limit on the number of items that can be added apart from memory constraints.

What is the difference between the stack and Tail?

Although both stacks and queues are variants of ordered lists, they have some important differences. In stacks, adding or deleting items can only be done from one end called the top, while in queues addition of items is done from rear end while deletion of items is done from front end. In stack, items that were added last will be removed first and this is why it is considered a LIFO data structure. In queue, the articles that are added first will be removed first and this is why queue is considered a FIFO data structure.


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