Waxing Vs. Waning

Difference Between Waxing And Waning For many centuries people have marveled at the beauty of full moon. Poetry…

Difference Between Waxing And Waning

For many centuries people have marveled at the beauty of full moon. Poetry has talked about the mystery and beauty of moon both in oral and written form ever since the beginning of time. It’s very simple to identify a full moon particularly because of its bright and round shape. Most are aware of the idea of the new moon, because it gets all dark and out of sight,  but waxing and waning are two terms that can be really difficult for many to understand, this article is primarily based on astronomical terms.

The waxing moon

The waxing crescent moon phase begins when the moon is just past dark, and continues till the brightest. When the moon is rising, a sliver line can be seen every night, and this seems to be increasing.

The waning phase

The waning moon is the moon phase, which begins when the moon is just past full, and the highest and continues to the moon can no longer easy to see. When the moon is falling, it seems to shrink every night.

Difference between the two phases:

How can it be determined whether the moon is rising? When the moon is in the rising stage, it looks like the capital letter “D” in the right side of the moon is smooth and rounded, but look on the left side more irregular and darker.

What makes a waning crescent easily identifiable? When the moon is gradually, it seems more like a big “C” on the right appears darker, more opaque, and the left side is smooth and rounded.


Sometimes it’s hard to remember the difference between rising and falling phases of the moon. People are said to be “growing poetic,” which means that they expand their content, and keep adding more and more, sometimes superfluously. Teach your kids about ways to identify the rising moon, using the technique of the right hand. Measure the curve by means of your right hands thumb, index finger and the moon right on this page is the “development” or extra, and getting bigger.

But how can one easily recall this? One way to think of it, with “more pizza he ate the more appetite slowly or decline,” he was much less hungry. Teach your kids about ways to remember the diminishing crescent with the help of his left hand. Take into account the natural curve of the left side of the thumb, index finger and the moon right on this page are “cut” or run and run.


1 A Rising Moon is the “development”, or get more fit and in form “D”, the waning crescent to be “cut”, or fall, and fits with the letter “C”.

Other than the waxing crescent moon phase, which begins when the moon is just past dark, and continues to the moon is larger than the waning crescent phase begins when the moon is just past full and the brightest.


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