Act vs. Law

Difference Between Act and Law Law is something which is binding to all the members of the society.…

Difference Between Act and Law

Law is something which is binding to all the members of the society. A law has provisions for exceptions and inclusions according to different circumstances. Laws are made by the legislators or the parliamentarians.

Act and law are similar to each other and have close meaning but acts are just a type of law. There are many other types of laws as well.  Any act passed by the parliament becomes the law for that society or state. All the laws are to regulate the life of the society and set standards for conduct in the society or in business.

Acts are aimed at specific purpose and are passed in the parliament to solve the purpose intended. An example to explain this can be the law against drunken driving and DUI is the specific act to deal with it. Acts have the description of the provisions, the situations where the law will be applicable, description of rules and regulations to be followed by the people.



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