Andhra vs. Telangana in India – The Difference Between

How are Andhra and Telegana in India different? Andhra and Telegana are the names of two of the…

How are Andhra and Telegana in India different?

Andhra and Telegana are the names of two of the major areas of the fifth largest state in India – Andhra Pradesh. It is not the largest in size, but it certainly is the largest in terms of the population of the area. The main difference in these two areas is their location. Andhra is located along the coast, and Telegana is located in the northern part of the state.

Andhra has the second longest coastline in all of India, spanning 972 km. One interesting fact is that the capital of Andhra, Hyderabad, is actually located within the borders of the state of Telegana. The capital of Hyderabad is one of ten districts in Telegana. The amalgamation of these two regions in 1956 was opposed by the people of Telegana who really wanted them to remain two separate states. It was not opposed by the people of Andhra.

Hyderabad was later divided into 22 districts. Telegana received 9 of these districts and the rest were designated to be part of Andhra. At this time Andhra went by the name of Madras Presidency.

The state of Andhra Pradesh is divided by the River Krishna into two areas – Telegana and Rayalaseema. Rayalaseema is located in the south and Telegana is located in the north. Andhra lies along the coast. In its location along the northern side of the river, Kothagoodem, the area known for its rich deposits of coal and its production, is a district in Telegana. Andhra is the location of Gundar, which is one of commercial centers in all of Andhra Pradesh. This center is well-known as the major production area for chili and cotton.

Telangana has four rivers within its borders – the Krishna, the Godavari, the Tungabahdra and the Penna. It doesn’t have any ports. Andhra, though, has two major ports – Visakhapatnam and Kakinada. Although Telegana has some of the districts of Hyderabad, the government has declared nine of the other districts of this region as being backward.

The discontent of the people of Telegana about the amalgamation that took place in 1956 continued and in 1969, the people staged an agitation that received a lot of attention. They wanted their own separate state, but the request was denied. Another attempt in 1990 also failed.

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