Circular Motion vs. Rotational Motion

Difference Between Circular Motion and Rotational Motion The entire universe is controlled by a set of motions which…

Difference Between Circular Motion and Rotational Motion

The entire universe is controlled by a set of motions which ensure that each and every mass of body remains in its respective positions. The solar system with its planets and the sun in the center are guided by their motions which were discovered by Johannes Kepler during the 17th century. All objects are governed by the two principle motions of Rotational and Circular motions.


The Rotational and Circular motions are two unique motions and even though there may be parities in their properties, still there are divergent dissimilarities among them. There is a frequent misuse of these terms although inadvertently.


One of the clear examples of the Circular motion is the movement of the moon in its orbit circling the earth, which is circular in shape. A bodying moving around another body in a circular manner is known as Circular motion. When you bind a stone with a string and move it around yourself, it also symbolizes a circular motion. Similarly, a toy train moving on a track laid out in a round manner is said to be moving in a circular motion. Yet when a person is driving a car on a race track, it is said to be in a circular motion but since the tires of the car move on their axle which forms the axis, it is also considered to be in a rotational movement. Therefore there are two motions involved in this illustration.


An object moving round and round on a pivot which is also called an axis is a Rotational movement. While the earth is revolving around the sun and is moving on its axis which is the polar line is called a rotational motion. This rotational movement of the earth on its axis and revolving around the sun brings about the day and nights through its rotational movement and various weathers while it is revolving around it. Therefore, there are two movements in one movement. One often notices children playing with their beyblades. These bayblades spin on their axis in a rapid motion which is a rotational movement thus where the object does not move and stays in a stationary position is a rotational motion.

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