Disclaimer Vs. Disclosure

Difference Between Disclaimer and Disclosure In social media, and particularly among bloggers, the two English terms Disclaimer and…

Difference Between Disclaimer and Disclosure
In social media, and particularly among bloggers, the two English terms Disclaimer and Disclosure are used to limit liability for the content and to clarify how the content in the blog is influenced by various factors. But the words are used almost more often wrong than right.
A disclaimer is intended to limit the shipper’s responsibility, primarily legal. Example: “Opinions expressed in this blog are my own and are not representative of my employer or its customers’. The purpose of a disclaimer is often to abdicate some responsibility for the content that is published, which can be seen as both a moral and legal responsibility. It may be that you do not take responsibility for the content of sites linking to you or simply you can make a statement that it is to read at your own risk.
It can also mean to indicate that the blog is published by the laws and values that apply in one country and that the blogger does not take responsibility if this would offend someone in another country. A disclaimer has actually no legal effect in a dispute; however, this is quite another matter.
Used when you want to be open to the factors that could affect the content in a blog. If you write about a company where you have previously worked, this may affect your values, and text and to avoid suspicion about the purpose of the text, many choose to be transparent. The same applies if you have ads or otherwise financial links (shareholders, employees, etc.) to a company or brand you are blogging about. Disclosure may also have to do with relationships (you have some sort of relation to a person in the text). The purpose of the disclosure is to reduce the suspicions of a hidden agenda behind your content and to put the right expectations of the reader.

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