Education vs. Training

Difference Between Education and Training Education and training, to most people seem to be identical words, as is…

Difference Between Education and Training

Education and training, to most people seem to be identical words, as is the impression most institutes offer students by substituting foremost to education. But there is a world of difference between the two. You will realize it once you read the article.

All of us agree that no education is complete without any training. The best example for this is the chemistry practicals we do in labs after learning the basic concept is classrooms. Hence, training is as important as education. Both are intrinsic to any system of education although there are some courses that require more practical training than formal education.

Formal education is what is transmitted in the elementary schools to 10+2 stage after a student reads out the student carefully and then level courses. The fundamental purpose of such education is to impart knowledge of facts, concepts, events and principles. All these form the foundation on which the addresses learned last work slowly. It is through the concepts taught in most first classes that students receive the ability to solve problems of higher classes.

The training is focused on the other hand the grasping of a particular skill. The training   is imparted to learn a particular task or job and is mainly transmitted to adults to enable them to become proficient in a particular skill. You can receive training on your own with the help of a how-to book a particular job at home. The best example of training is when you learn to drive a car. Here you get to know the practical aspects of driving and use of various automotive parts such as the accelerator and taking breaks. On the other hand, if you learn driving laws and theory of conduct, you receive no education and training.

It is clear then that education relates to the fact to remember facts and an understanding of concepts. On the other hand the training relates to the practical aspects of a job or employment and is transmitted in the training institutes and special training sessions.

Another difference is that the drive must come from education. If you are not aware of the fundamental nature of chemicals through education, you can never do practicals in the chemistry laboratory. Can you?

There are professions where training is more important than education, such as accounting, carpentry, marketing, plumbing, weaving even programming that addresses can be easily learned by practical training rather than the formal education.


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