Difference Between ERD and DFD ERD and DFD are models of data presentation in the fact that help…

Difference Between ERD and DFD

ERD and DFD are models of data presentation in the fact that help identify the flow of data as well as inputs and outputs. They are important as they allow effective communication between members of different departments in an organization. There are similarities in both types of models have data although there are differences which we will discuss in this article.

The DFD’s is the systematic representation of how the data flow in an organization, how and from where it enters the system, how it moves from one process to another and how it is kept in the organization. On the other hand,  a semantic data model of a system in a top to bottom as the Diagram or ERD Entity Report. ERD shows how a system will look like without saying how to run it. Since it is based entity, ERD shows the relationship between entities in a system or process. Furthermore, the flow charts being DRD data focuses on the flow of data in a system and how this data is used in different stages of a process.

Both DFD & ERD are important to an organization. As entities, they are the people, places, events or objects are represented in an ERD, DFD discussions of how the data flow between entities. It is knowledge of the entities for which data is stored in the organization by ERD as DFD provides information on the flow of data between entities and how and where it is kept.

Different instruments are capitalized and preparing DFD & ERD. While it is common to use circles, ovals, rectangles and arrows to DFD, ERD uses only rectangles boxes. Diamonds are used to represent relationships between entities in ERD and find the description of the report as a list in DFD is a simple word.

Despite their popularity and widespread use, both DFD & ERD are incomplete in the sense that we do not receive the complete picture looking any of the two diagrams to represent data.


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