Good Managers Vs. Bad managers

Difference Between Good Managers And Bad managers To accept that leadership is something complex is the first step…

Difference Between Good Managers And Bad managers

To accept that leadership is something complex is the first step to becoming a good manager.

Being a manager
Bad leaders live in the belief that the manager’s role is no easy and straightforward, while the best managers have released this imagination and takes on any situation just as it is in all its complexity.

Good managers identify their shortcomings, while bad managers ignore them.

Differences in attitude between good and bad managers
Bad boss: As a leader, I will reach higher.
Good Head: As a leader, I must go further.
Bad boss: Now that I am chief, I can give orders about what to do.
Good Head: Now that I am chief, I can create order in what should be done.

Communication and feedback
Many managers like to give feedback and orders, but they have a clear, single-track or ambivalent ideas about what they really want to accomplish. Bad managers know what they want right at the moment but lack an overall picture.

A good manager creates a crystal clear picture of what must be done and then communicates this precisely. It is important that information gets out and is ready, if there is ambiguity, it is important to you as a manager quickly get feedback on this.

Leadership has a lot to be clear, we can summarize good communication in these contexts in three steps:
When a problem arises:
1st Explain clearly what the boss thinks.
2nd Describe the facts that form the basis for your opinion.
3rd Be open to debate and create a climate where it is allowed to challenge even the manager’s opinion.

Differences in attitude between good and bad managers
Bad boss: As a manager, I am protected from having to take the blame
Good Head: As a manager I protect others from having to take the blame.

A good manager creates a working environment where its employees feel secure and protected. A bad manager would instead present themselves as blameless, and in the event of a mistake he is sure to point the finger at the culprit, this creates of course a precarious and dangerous climate

Differences in attitude between good and bad managers
Bad boss: As a manager, I can avoid the problems.
Good Boss: As a manager, I must seek out problems.


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