Hinduism vs Buddhism

Difference Between Hinduism and Buddhism Religion refers to one’s spiritual belief in a higher power that watches over…

Difference Between Hinduism and Buddhism

Religion refers to one’s spiritual belief in a higher power that watches over one’s way of life and judges a person on whether they have been good or bad, and implements a corresponding reward or punishment. Aside from politics, Religion is a great divider of people. Religions will include Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism. These religions possess a specific belief, tradition, and concepts, but what confuses most people when it comes to religion is the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism. These are two of the most important religions in the world today, with a vast number of it being practiced in Asia and in the Middle East. To help you distinguish the two from each other, here are some of their major differences:

  1. Hinduism has existed and has been practiced for centuries, and yet there was no founder; on the other hand, Buddhism was founded by its namesake; Buddha.
  2. Hinduism believes that souls do exist and has named two kinds of soul residing in a human: the individual soul and the Brahman, also known as the supreme soul. Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism does not believe that souls exist.
  3. Ironically, Buddhism believes in no supreme deity or god, yet Hinduism accepts Buddhism’s founder, Buddha, to be one of the tem Reincarnations of their supreme god called Vishnu.
  4. Hinduism practices the worship of gods and deities; Buddhism, with their non- acceptance of such, worship no deities and instead worship their founder.
  5. Buddhism believes that desire is the cause of all evil in the world, and that for one to be purified of all evil, then one has to remove all worldly afflictions and sorrow. Hinduism holds the belief a person should achieve the four ends of human life. The four ends are Artha (material riches), Kama (sensual pleasure), Moksha (liberation/ freedom), and finally, Dharma (righteousness). In Hinduism, a person should attain all four ends to be complete.
  6. Buddhism does not accept the concept of “life stages” or the “Four Ashramas” of life, instead, people can be placed into the Order of Life if this person is spiritually prepared; the religion Hinduism believes in the “Four Ashramas”


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