ISBN 10 vs. ISBN 13

Difference Between ISBN 10 and ISBN 13 If you have bought a book from the bookstore there is…

Difference Between ISBN 10 and ISBN 13

If you have bought a book from the bookstore there is just no way can you miss the queer looking vertical lines that are present on the back side of the book. Those lines also have a specific set of numbers on their top. This number is a code created by Gordon Foster which is used to identify each new book that is printed and published and is known as ISBN, or International Standard Book Number.

All the new books have unique ISBN numbers for both paperback and hardcover edition. ISBN number can be divided into parts that are used to identify Group, Publisher, Item number, and a check digit of a book. The last number in an ISBN number is called check digit and is used to determine whether the number is genuine or not. For example in ISBN 10, you need to multiply the first 9 digits by a number ranging from 10 to 2 and then add all the results. Divide this result by 11. If you do not get any remainder then the ISBN number is valid.

ISBN 10 is an old system of identification of books in which the code was made up of 10 digits. The publishers soon realized that they would soon short of numbers and ISBN 13- which was a new code and consists of 13 digits was created and they are being used since January 1st 2007.

Unlike the ISBN 10 number which began with 978, ISBN numbers begin with 979.

New ISBN 13 number can easily be generated for any ISBN 10 number. You need to log in and enter 978+the old ISBN 10. The site will generate the new ISBN 13 number and also the new barcode image.


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