Joints Vs. Faults

Difference Between Joints And Faults Geology is a fascinating subject for study, but the thing is, it has…

Difference Between Joints And Faults

Geology is a fascinating subject for study, but the thing is, it has many terms that are very confusing and often difficult to understand. Mostly whatever happens around in our environment is defined in two different ways: the first is how the common masses relate to it and the second is the issue and the views of scientists. A good example of geology is how we define the crack in the earth’s surface. We think people tend to look at them all and same, but scientists can distinguish between two types: joints and faults.

In geology, fractures such as faults and joints collectively known as the spine or discontinuities. Stated simply, these are spaces or gaps that happen in rocks formation encompassing the earth’s surface. Leaving aside these similarities there are various features that distinguish them from each other.

The first thing that is noticeably different between the collective and the drawback is its size. Faults are comparatively bigger than joints .Again joints has its appearance on almost all rock formations. They thwart hairline cracks which are imperceptible, especially seen from a distance. Defects, however, is much larger and can extend up to miles on end. But because of the continuous production of dirt crust, it is not always possible to view the fault lines, but researchers are fairly confident of their presence.

But more than the size of the discrepancy in the joints and faults is one aspect of the interest it. Joints have very little or no exercise at all because they do not completely separate rock formations.

Disadvantages vary because of the regular tectonic movements below the surface. The reason primarily is the Hungarian Meteorological Service as detailed cut between formations of large rocks.

Based on the tectonic belt movement,   the faults move sideways up ways, downward, causing earthquakes.

Other things are to be seeing while considering the origin of their formation. Defects are created by the constant motion of the earth’s crust. When the stone is divided by the error, they are prone to earthquakes. One good example is the San Andreas Fault in California, reaching up to 810 kilometers. It makes up for the plates of Pacific and the North America.

With the stretching of rocks, joints come into existence after reaching the point of dismantling. This primarily occurs because of the never ending dirt accumulation over rock formations, further adding to its overall mass forcing it to fall apart. Skepticism also follows beyond this about the dangers that are potentially present amidst human civilization.

Defects are considered as one of the powerful moves of nature, literally. It was recently demonstrated when the plates in the Pacific Ring of Fire moved on top of another cause massive earthquake struck Japan that caused the tsunami and subsequent affects many countries. Joints are not this type of threat, and often amazed that they form a consistent place in different parts of the world.


1. There are two types of cracks The Hungarian Meteorological Service in the crust, and a common mistake.

2. Both joints and faults are classified as fracture or discontinuities Is the only similarities they have.

3. Joints are small compared with errors.

4. Joints have no movement there, no reason or a very small displacement faults and Havering side movement that causes the displacement.

5. Faults arise out of ongoing tectonic activity, while the stretching of rocks to the point of breakage is the reason behind the formation of joints.

6. Faults can cause deadly earthquake and tsunamis, but teams rarely pose any threat to civilization.


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