Journey vs. Travel

Difference Between Journey and Travel Journey and travel are two words that are often confused when it comes…

Difference Between Journey and Travel

Journey and travel are two words that are often confused when it comes to their connotations. The word ‘journey’ normally indicates a piece of travel as in the sentence ‘I hope you jouney was pleasant’. In this sentence you can see the use of the word ‘journey’. It shows a bit of traveling done by the person being asked.

On the other hand the word ‘travel’ indicates the movement made ​​by the person who traveled. In other words we can say that the movement from one place to another place is suggested by the word ‘travel’. Aspects of comfort and relaxation are intended or implied by the use of the word ‘journey’. This is the main difference between the two words travel and journey.

The word ‘travel’ is sometimes substituted by the word ‘travelling’ even without any change in the direction as in the sentence ‘I love travelling. “In this sentence the word ‘travelling’ must be understood to mean moving from one place to another. The meaning is exactly the same as that transmitted by the use of the word ‘travel’

The word ‘travel’ is sometimes understood in the sense of ‘many journeys’ while the word’ journey ‘is strictly a single movement from one place to another. Consider the two sentences given below:

1. He traveled widely in Japan.

2. The trip was very pleasant.

In the first sentence you should understand that the person has made ​​several trips to the country of Japan. In the second sentence you should understand that the person said that his movement from one place to another was fun. The subtle differences between the uses of two words, namely, ‘the journey’ and ‘travel’ must be understood with precision.


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