Legislation vs. Regulation

Difference Between Legislation and Regulation Regulation and legislation are in place to maintain peace and order, to unify…

Difference Between Legislation and Regulation

Regulation and legislation are in place to maintain peace and order, to unify standards within a community and to enforce laws that have been put into place by officiating authorities. While it is the responsibility of one governing body to make the laws, it is up to another official body to execute them. As citizens that lives in a state where laws are constantly being written and executed, people need to know what their state representatives are up to.


It is the responsibility of the regulatory board to enforce laws once they are passed; it set forth rules on how the laws are to be implemented and to what degree. This is how it goes; everyone has responsibilities. The regulatory board must comply with every aspect of the bill, and follow all strict policies for carrying out the law.


The legislation is the body of the law, which can be neither Congress nor a parliament. They are a part of the government that is responsible for making laws. A proposal for a bill or law must go through a process before it is legal. For instance, before a bill is passed into law it must go through a voting and reviewing process. There is much debate from both sides as to why or why not the bill should become a law. After the arguments or debates are heard, there is a vote. The side with the most votes gets to pass the bill into law. In addition, the regulation board must execute the bill, which is now a law. If the government passes a bill for their government hospitals to do away with payment for medical care, it is up to the board of regulation to make sure that this law is enforced at each government hospital.


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