Normal Vaginal Delivery vs. Assisted Vaginal Delivery

Difference Between Normal Vaginal Delivery and Assisted Vaginal Delivery In human beings pregnancy starts with fertilization of ovum…

Difference Between Normal Vaginal Delivery and Assisted Vaginal Delivery

In human beings pregnancy starts with fertilization of ovum and implantation of zygote in the uterus and usually after a period of 40 weeks the child is born. This period may differ in individuals and can range from 38 to 42 weeks. In case of normal delivery there are three main elements, the passenger, the passage and the power. The baby is the passenger and it passes through the passage of the birth canal with the power from muscle contraction of the uterine walls and abdominal muscles.  In case of normal delivery the cervix dilates after the pain starts and the membrane covering the baby tears and baby starts moving out through vagina.

The head of the baby comes out first in normal delivery, then the shoulders and rest of the body comes out. The process of delivery is complete once the placenta comes out and the bleeding stops after the uterus contracts.

We can divide the entire process of labour into three stages. The first stage is the onset of the labour and is till the dilatation of cervix. Second stage begins from full dilatation and ends in the delivery of the child. Third stage is the delivery of baby till the delivery of the membranes and the placenta.

If the mother is not able to push the baby out then some instruments like forceps can be used to assist her. The forceps has two pieces which hold the head of the baby and the doctor pulls the baby out with the help of the handle of the forceps. This type of delivery is known as assisted vaginal delivery and in more specialized way, forceps delivery. Mother may get injuries because of the instrument but the baby is safely delivered by this method.

In some cases the head is delivered by using vacuum. The vacuum applies a negative pressure on the head and then the cup is pulled out by the doctor. If the resistance of the head is high in comparison to the vacuum pressure applied, the cup will come out to avoid injuries to head of the baby. This method is safe for the mother but the baby may receive some injuries.

Both these methods, vacuum delivery and forceps delivery are types of assisted vaginal delivery. These methods lower down the exertion level of the mother caused due to the immense power needed to deliver the baby normally. In case of complicated delivery high exertion level may cause cardiac problems in mother and this is why the assistance in delivery relieves her pain to some extent.


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