Sunni Vs. Tabligh

Difference Between Sunni And Tabligh Among the many branches of Islam Sunni and Tabligh are two major branches.…

Difference Between Sunni And Tabligh

Among the many branches of Islam Sunni and Tabligh are two major branches. They have some major differences as far as their rituals, beliefs, practices etc are concerned. This article will differentiate between the two.

The Islamic branch Tabligh believes in one God and that Prophet Mohammad –who was a Man was the chosen one to do God’s work.

According to the followers of this branch of Islam their duty lies in not only in spreading of the religion but also to remind the other Muslims their duties. Tabligh also believes that all Muslims should lead a life as led by Prophet Mohammad. Tabligh strives so that all Islamic people maintain the teachings of the prophet and lead as an example for others. According to this branch of Islam all Muslim should live as it was instructed about 1400 years ago.

Not actually a subdivision of Islam, the word Tabligh bactually meant ‘informing’. The entire Muslim community, even Sunnis and Shias followed Tabligh.

Sunni as a branch of Islam is similar to Tabligh. One vital difference is that of the Sunni belief that Prophet Mohammad was not an ordinary man, but one who had complete power. The Sunnis also acknowledged the first 4 caliphs as the legitimate successors of the Prophet.

The word “Sunni” comes from the Arab word ‘Sunnah’, indicating to the acts and sayings of Prophet Mohammad. On the other hand there are quite a few disagreements about the meaning of the word Tabligh.

The Sunnis are the largest Islamic group in the whole world.


1. The Islamic branch Tabligh believes in one God and that Prophet Mohammad –who was a Man was the chosen one to do God’s work.

2. Sunnis believed that Prophet Mohammad was not an ordinary man, but one who had complete power

3. Tabligh strives so that all Islamic people maintain the teachings of the prophet and lead as an example for others.

4. Earlier the word Tabligh actually meant ‘informing’. The entire Muslim community, even Sunnis and Shias followed Tabligh.

5. The Sunnis acknowledged the first 4 caliphs as the legitimate successors of the Prophet.

6. The Sunnis are the largest Islamic group in the whole world.


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