Time vs. Money

Difference between Time and Money Time and Money are two words in the English language which have certain…

Difference between Time and Money

Time and Money are two words in the English language which have certain value in one’s life.  They say time is precious and it’s also said money is vital. Both of these can be spent recklessly or thoughtfully. Both of the terms differ in their nature.

Wasted time can never come back. It is precious. A person can earn money he has lost in business or spending excessively. However, there is no way to go back in past and earn the time we have wasted or lost. The old saying that times and tides wait for none is 100% true.

Both time and money and interrelated yet have big differences between each other. The more you work, use time to pursue earning activities, the more you earn. The time invested is money earned.  The value of money is inversely proportionate to time. You can earn money by doing jobs or businesses whereas nothing you do can earn you time. Money discriminates. It is with riches only, however, time never takes side. It is both with rich and poor alike. It is up to an individual’s sole discretion to whether use or spend it idly.

Time is limited and all of us can only use 24 hours of it, in a day. On the contrary, money is unlimited and you can spend either $24 in a day or $24,000 million in a day! Time is important and often finds its comparison to gold. Whether you work or fool around lazily, choice is yours but time will always be limited.


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