Venue vs. Jurisdiction

Difference between venue and jurisdiction Derived from  Latin language, the word jurisdiction comes from the word ‘iuris’ meaning…

Difference between venue and jurisdiction

Derived from  Latin language, the word jurisdiction comes from the word ‘iuris’ meaning ‘oath’ and ‘dicere’ meaning ‘to speak’. To deal with legal matters and maintain justice in the assigned area of responsibility, jurisdiction is the authority provided to political leaders and constituted legal bodies whereas venue is termed as the locality of a lawsuit. It is the place where lawsuit is likely to be held. The term, however, is only bound to countries and districts of the US.

Jurisdiction is a geographical area in which legal bodies or leaders has the authority or power to handle legal matters granted to constituted legal body or a political leader to deal with legal matters. It can be classified into three concepts which are personal, subject matter and territorial jurisdiction.  The power over a person to apply justice is called personal jurisdiction whereas the territory or bounded place where the authority is applicable is called territorial jurisdiction.  In personal jurisdiction, territory or location of the person doesn’t matter much. Questions over legal subject is called subject matter jurisdiction.

At the time of trial, venues can be waived by defendants and plaintiffs whereas this is not possible in jurisdiction as the authority lies with constituted bodies. Courts may share or have exclusive jurisdiction area.

The courts solely can advice, or take actions on legal matters in case of exclusive jurisdiction. Pertaining to shared jurisdiction, more than one court can scrutinize the matters.


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