Adjectives vs. Adverbs

Difference Between Adjectives and Adverbs Adjectives and Adverbs are both important parts of speech used in English grammar. Adjective…

Difference Between Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives and Adverbs are both important parts of speech used in English grammar.

Adjective qualifies a noun while an adverb describes a verb. This is what sets this two apart.

An adjective always qualifies the described noun. Let us take a boy for example. Since the boy is a noun, fat or slim can be adjectives that can describe the boy. Thus if we say “the fat boy” and the “slim boy” then we see that both the adjectives qualifies the boy they describe.

The adjective should be very close to the noun it qualifies. It is an important rule according to English grammar. There is no compunction for an adjective to be of the same number of the qualifying noun. As for example if we describe a bunch of fat boys, there is no need for us to say a bunch of fats boys.

The adverb is used to describe a verb or an action. As for example

1. Rhonda drove fast.

2. I did it foolishly.

3. Do it quickly.

If you pay a closer attention to the examples you will see that the adverbs ‘fast’, ‘foolishly’ and ‘quickly’ describe the action/verbs ‘drove’, ‘did’ and ‘do’ respectively. Observe how in the following examples the adverb plays the role of an adjective

1. Agatha has a fast reply for everything.

2. You gave a brilliant answer to the professor’s question.


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