Lane vs. Avenue

Difference between a Lane and an Avenue Lanes and avenues are two of the many labels that people have given…

Difference between a Lane and an Avenue

Lanes and avenues are two of the many labels that people have given streets. Though we know that they are both related to roads, not many people really know the difference between the two.

What is a Lane?

A lane is a narrow road occupied by a number of houses. They are usually found in country sides or rural areas rather than towns and cities. Because of this, they are generally calm and quiet. Lanes can also be used as a diversion for traffic. When traffic is too heavy, the police usually divert them through the lanes, which can have traffic from two sides at the most.

What is an Avenue?

An avenue is a broad road that is often lined with trees and a small number of houses. They are mostly found in town and cities, which makes them noisy because of the traffic that passes by. The width of an avenue is more or less 4 times than that of a lane. Since traffic can come from different sides of an avenue, the bigger width is to ensure that heavy traffic can easily pass through it.

In summary

  • A lane is a narrow road while an avenue is broad
  • Lanes are occupied by a number of houses while avenues have less houses
  • Lanes are usually found in country sides or rural areas while avenues are found in towns and cities
  • Lanes are generally calm and quiet while avenues are noisy
  • Traffic in lanes can only pass from two sides at the most while traffic in avenues can pass from different sides
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