Difference Between Home Economics And Economics
Home Economics
Home Economics, a broad field of knowledge and service concerned with all phases of family life. It is a diversified field involving education and research in many areas, including child development and family relationships, consumer economics, food and nutrition, housing and furnishing, home management, and textiles and clothing. In addition, home economics is a professional field, providing training not only for better home and family living but also for a wide variety of positions in teaching, social service, business, and research.
Home economics as a field of study is recognized around the world, although in some countries it is not as highly developed as in the United States and it does not reach as many people. In the United States millions of youths and adults receive some training in home economics in public and private schools, in colleges and universities, through the Cooperative Extension Service, and in other youth and adult programs.
In the United States over 400 colleges and universities offer at least a baccalaureate degree in home economics. Nearly one half of these colleges have small departments with student enrollments less than 100, and about 20% of the colleges have enrollments over 300. The larger departments, for the most part, are found in the land-grant colleges and state universities, which receive funds from federal and state governments for teacher training, research, and cooperative extension services.
Economics deals with problems that are caused due to scarcity of resources, which prevents individuals or societies from having as much as they want. Because people’s wants differ and expand even as technology improves and new resources are developed, it is to their advantage to use society’s resources efficiently, though in some circumstances people may prefer less efficiency to obtain increased equity or to maintain traditional social relations. In such cases the balance always requires both quantitative and qualitative measures and judgments.