Difference Between City and Village
The growth of cities is one of the most striking features of modern times. Although experts believe that humans have lived on earth for 21 / 2 million years or more, most of the built environment preserved cities today were established only within the last hundred years, less than 1 / 1000 of 1% of human history. Two hundred years ago only London had more than a million inhabitants. Today, hundreds of cities have more than a million inhabitants and the world’s largest mega cities have populations over 20 million people.
Define Cities
A city is defined as a dense human settlement with a large population and diverse human activities. This definition gives open exactly how the contract settlement will be considered close enough, how many it will be considered as sufficiently settled, and what and how many projects the population to participate in to qualify as a manifold, or varied. A study of four alternative ways to define the city, however, a study will explain why this is as good a definition as possible for an exceptionally wide object known as the city.
Threshold Population Approach
The U.S. Census uses “population threshold” approach to define urban areas. Under this method, if enough people are present in a given area to pass the population threshold, the place is defined as urban areas. The Census sets a very low population threshold of 2,500 people a place to be considered urban. Perhaps a century ago aplce comprising of 2,500 people could be fairly characterized as a city, but in a modern context, 2,500 people seems much lesser to fit the modern understanding of the city.
Village, a type of society, usually small but irrespective of any accepted size limit. In many countries, the village is recognized unit of local government and can be incorporated with the, law enforcement and tax authorities. Often in these areas, although the village is simply a business and social center of “town” (which is a township, which may include wilderness areas or single family farmsteads). This pattern was common in the Northeast U.S. business and social center of the community of 20,000 or 30,000 people may still be called a “village.” The term “Village” has remained popular in the United States outside of New England and New York, respectively. Even very small communities elsewhere are more likely to be known to the inhabitants of those cities.
The village is a typical form of rural settlement in most of the world-Europe (except UK), Asia, Africa and parts of South America . The isolated farmstead, or “open land” district representative of much of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and scattered areas elsewhere, appears to be relatively new in world history. It often appears to be a settlement of lands that previously were only loosely occupied by the indigenous population, but probably will also clear from the introduction of private ownership of land. In Europe and in many other areas of the world, collective land ownership prevailed in the past, and hotel arrangements were the basis for the village form of rural settlement, the community set amid the village and pasture lands.
City Vs. Village
Difference Between City and Village City The growth of cities is one of the most striking features of…