Byte vs. Kilobyte

Difference Between Byte And Kilobyte When the computer calculates the size of the file system is 1 kilobyte…

Difference Between Byte And Kilobyte

When the computer calculates the size of the file system is 1 kilobyte 1024 bytes. But as suppliers of storage media count is 1 kilobyte 1000 bytes, anything that causes more and more as we get larger and larger file systems.

The reason is probably that the manufacturers of storage media want their products to appear larger. The problem is that the operating system shows a smaller number, even if the volume is the same.

The picture shows the size of a USB stick of 1 GB (gigabyte) in Mac OS X, Windows Vista and Ubuntu Linux. The maximum capacity of this is approximately 977.8 megabytes (MB). Not much of a difference, perhaps, but it gets even tydligera when we have a TB (terabyte) of storage. Then it turns into almost 10 percent.

New prefix solves the problem

For this reason it was introduced 10 years ago a set of new prefixes for binary numbers: KIBI (Ki) 1024, mebi (Mi) 10242, Gibi (Gi) 10243, Tebi (Ti) 10244. It gives us kikibyte (KiB), mebibyte (MiB), gibibyte (GIB) and tebibyte (TiB). The relationship between prefixes calculated as: MiB = MB / 1.0242 MiB = GB / 1.0243 TiB = TB / 1.0244.

We expect a DVD at 4.7 GB corresponding to the amount of 4.377 GiB. For those who cannot count on their own, there are obvious sites on the net that takes care of this.

The properties of Windows, we can see that the exact amount is 1,025,331,200 bytes, which corresponds to 977.8 MiB. All operating systems are then using the wrong prefix.


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