Difference Between Egyptian Goose And Duck
Egyptian Goose
The Egyptian goose is actually a large, powerful duck. It is particularly aggressive and known to chase people wandering too near its nest. In Great Britain, where this duck was introduced, it often drives away less bold native species. The ancient Egyptians domesticated this plump duck for its delicious eggs and meat. Archaeologists have found its image carved along the walls of the ancient pyramids and painted on pottery that dates long before the Christian era.
The Egyptian goose is a very adaptable creature that is comfortable on land and in freshwater marshes and ponds. It is quite a buoyant bird and can often be seen floating high on the water. The duck swims powerfully underwater in pursuit of small, tasty fish or frogs.
Like most waterfowl, the Egyptian goose gathers in flocks. Typically the flock consists of parents, siblings, and cousins born the previous year. As breeding season approaches, the ducks break off in pairs to mate. The male Egyptian goose is a noisy suitor. He may spend hours quacking, honking, and flapping his wings to impress his chosen female. She usually shows little interest in his antics, but eventually agrees to mate and nest. Together they may build a simple nest in a wet meadow or bed down in a tree hole or in the deserted nest of another bird.
Duck, any of a group of heavy-bodied, short-legged, web-footed swimming birds closely related to geese. Ducks nest in all major aquatic environments of the world except the Antarctic.
Wild ducks have long been favorite game birds. Because they are hunted for sport, food, and feathers, they have considerable economic as well as aesthetic value. To safeguard wild populations, various conservation measures have been widely adopted. These include the establishment of breeding and wintering refuges and limitations on hunting.
Ducks also have been domesticated for many centuries and are raised commercially for their meat and eggs. In the United States, ducks are raised mainly for their meat, but in some other countries, such as England, they are favored for their eggs. Duck meat is dark, rich in iron and the B vitamins, and fattier than chicken or turkey meat.
Ducks range from 12 to 24 inches (30–60 cm) in length and from 1 to 16 pounds (0.5–7 kg) in weight. Their legs are placed far to each side. When walking, ducks alternately place each foot inward toward the center of gravity, producing a waddling motion. They take off laboriously on relatively small, long, and narrow wings.