Difference Between Mayan Calendar And Julian Calendar
Another seasonal Sun calendar that was used in antiquity was that of the Mayas of Mexico. Their invention probably goes back to the year 580 B.C., and it was the first seasonal and agricultural calendar produced in America.
The Mayan calendar was arranged differently from that of the Egyptians. The Mayan solar year, called a tun, had 18 months of 20 days each. It had a five-day unlucky period at its end to make 365 days. Each month had its own name, and the days were numbered from 0 to 19.
Dovetailed with the Mayan Sun calendar was a religious year, sometimes called a tzolkin. The tzolkin contained 13 months of 20 days each. Each day had a name that was combined with the numbers 1 to 13 to count out the 260 days of the tzolkin.
Julian Calendar
The ancient Romans had a moon calendar, which was complicated and most confusing. Originally only 10 months long (March to December), it was soon extended to 12 months by the addition of January and February. A 13th month, called Mercedonius, was occasionally inserted. The 12 months of the Roman year consisted of seven months of 29 days each; four months of 31 days each; and one month, Februarius (February), with 28 days—making a year of 355 days. The names of the 12 months of the Roman year were as follows:
Name of month Origin of name
Martius Month of Mars
Aprilis “Opening” month, when Earth opens to produce new fruits
Maius Month of the great god Jupiter
Junius Month of the Junii, a Roman clan
Quintilis Fifth month
Sextilis Sixth month
September Seventh month
October Eighth month
November Ninth month
December Tenth month
Januarius Month of the god Janus
Februarius Month of the Februa, a purification feast