Difference Between Radio And Transistor
The information transmitted by radio is carried by an electromagnetic wave system called the “carrier wave.” The carrier wave is modulated (varied) in some fashion by the electrical signal representing the information to be transmitted. The modulated carrier wave is fed to a transmitting antenna, which launches the electromagnetic wave into space. At the receiving site a very small portion of the transmitted wave is captured by another antenna; this signal is fed to a radio receiver, which separates the desired information from the carrier. The information is then converted from electronic form into sounds, pictures, or other forms.
Radio waves can carry telegraph signals, speech, music, television pictures, telemetering signals, information to operate digital computers, and a wide variety of other information. In most cases suitable electronic receiving equipment is needed to convert the electrical information in the modulated carrier wave to a form recognizable to our senses. This conversion is needed because we cannot perceive ordinary radio waves without the aid of the receiving equipment.
Transistor, a small electronic amplifying device made from a wafer of semiconductor material, usually germanium or silicon. Although the transistor is basically an amplifier, it can perform other major tasks such as oscillation, electronic switching, controlled rectification, and automatic control.
Because of its small size, the transistor is essential in such miniature devices as hearing aids, heart pacemakers, shirt-pocket radios, miniature CD players, and handheld calculators. Besides small size, noteworthy features of the transistor include simplicity, mechanical ruggedness, long life, freedom from microphonics and other vibratory disturbances, low heat generation in most cases, low operating voltage, low noise generation, and high overall efficiency.