Difference Between Strawberry And Litchi
Strawberry, a perennial herb of the genus Fragaria in the rose family (Rosaceae). The strawberry plant is highly prized for its sweet, juicy fruit and is cultivated in temperate regions around the world, including southern Canada, central Europe, and Japan. Strawberries are rich in sugar and rank high as a source of vitamin C, averaging somewhat higher than oranges, lemons, or grapefruit.
The typical strawberry plant has short roots and several slender stalks and grows closer to the ground. Its leaves develop in groups of three, and early in the growing season it produces small white flowers. The subsequent greenish white, conical fruits become deep red or sometimes yellowish red as they ripen. These fleshy bodies are not true berries but instead are fruit receptacles, over the surface of which the actual, one-ded fruits are scattered. With few exceptions the plants do not reproduce by ds but propagate themselves by means of runners—long stems that send down new roots.
Three important octoploid species need mention. The meadow strawberry (F. virginiana) grows in eastern North America westward to the Dakotas. It is a slender plant with thin leaves. The beach, or Chile, strawberry (F. chiloensis) is a stout, bushy plant found only along beaches from Alaska to central California, along the southern coast of Chile, and on a few mountain tops in Hawaii. F. ovalis is an open-field species of western North America found from Alaska to New Mexico.
Litchi, a genus of two evergreen trees with small round edible fruits. The trees belong to the soapberry family (Sapindaceae) and are commonly known by a variety of similar sounding names, ranging from litchi, lichee, and lychee, to liachi, lici, and leet-jee.
Both trees (Litchi chinensis and L. philippinensis) grow from 30 to 40 feet (9–12 meters) tall and have rounded crowns. Their glossy dark green leaves are pinnate with 3 to 7 or 9 leaflets. The tiny flowers are borne in terminal upright clusters. The mature fruits are about 1.5 inches (3.75 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. The stiff outer rind is reddish with raised tubercules on the surface. The flesh is a pearly color and surrounds a single large d from which it is easily separated. The flesh has a delicate, sweet, slightly acidic flavor and a firm to gelatinous texture. When dried, the fruits are called litchi nuts. They have a somewhat raisinlike quality and must be chewed off the d.