Iron vs. Aluminum

Difference Between Iron and Aluminum Of so many metals that are commercially as well as ornamentally important to…

Difference Between Iron and Aluminum

Of so many metals that are commercially as well as ornamentally important to man, Iron and Aluminium are the two most important of them. These two metals are completely different from each other, as regards the colour, texture, physical and chemical properties, appearance etc. On one hand, where Aluminium falls under the category of a normal metal, Iron is categorised as a transition metal, as it exhibits multiple valencies. Iron is abundantly present in the outer as well as the inner core of the planet, whereas Aluminium is found mostly in the Earth’s crust.

Aluminium, due to abundancy of free electrons, is a better conductor of electricity, as compared to iron, which is less malleable as well as ductile, in comparison to Aluminium. Aluminium is lighter than Iron and is also cheaper that the same.

If we consider the physical properties of the two metals, they differ as regards their atomic weight, atomic number, melting point, boiling point, ductility etc. Below is a table depicting the individual values of the above mentioned physical properties


Physical property Iron Aluminium
Atomic weight 55.845 g mol 26.981 g mol
Atomic number 26 13
Melting points 1535 degree celsius 660.37 degree celsuis
Boiling point 2750 degree celsuis 2467 degree celsius



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